Thinking about hiring me for your event? I’ve got your back. Here are some questions I’ve been asked before, and I’m sure I’ll be asked again.
Q. What audiences do you typically work with?
A. Networking organizations, women’s and creative conferences, tech start-ups and fast-growing private companies, colleges and sorority events, and progressive spiritual groups.
Q. How long have you been speaking?
A. I made it official in 2013, but I’m no stranger to the stage. I caught the bug when I was six as a ballerina, acting took center stage in seventh grade, and I worked professionally as an actor after studying the craft in college for a few years. That is, until I found a gift as an instructor-led trainer in 2011.
Q. What are your areas of expertise?
A. I’m fascinated by and speak on a variety of subjects at the intersections of play and personal development, leadership and employee engagement, as well as relationships and spiritual growth. Mindfulness, emotional intelligence, mental health, entrepreneurship, improvisation and the link to innovation, and domestic violence are also areas of specialization.
Q. What types of services do you offer when it comes to speaking?
A. I am available for keynotes, breakout sessions, and workshops (lunch ‘n learns, ½, and whole day trainings). I’m also able to facilitate panel discussions, or be a panelist, as well as act as emcee for your event.
Outside of those areas, I do offer consulting services which can be found on the training page.
Q. What can we expect from you before, during and after hiring you for our event?
A. Great question! Regardless of why we decide to work together, you can expect the following at minimum:
- Promotion of the event to my email list and social channels prior to the event
- Call with me prior to the event to go over learning outcomes, target audience, and more so I can ensure I create something entirely unique for your event
- Access to the Event Coordinators Toolkit
- Networking with the audience during the event, both prior to and after my talk
- Sharing audio/video footage of me to my email list and social channels post-event
- Debriefing call with me, post-event