The Story of
becky brett
From scared sole proprietor to Self-Confident SOULpreneur.
How Becky Brett received true freedom upleveling herself, her brand, and message, achieving a 500% increase in sales in less than one year - while reconnecting to her feminine leadership.
When Becky Brett became a non-profit Executive Director no one told her about the possible pitfalls or how to how to succeed. Leadership in this industry has unique challenges (for example reporting to a 15-person unpaid board of directors) so it can be lonely and can feel like you can’t turn to anyone. In 2016, Becky created what she needed, a support system for other non-profit leaders, and Virtual Executive Director was born. Wanting to monetize this brand, she created an exclusive Facebook group. Becky quickly learned that this industry devalued professional and personal development due to poverty mentality (theirs and hers). Additionally, constant burn-out and the belief that struggle must happen to succeed led to her offering services that barely sold, resulting in sales totaling $2000 during the entire life of the business.

Becky met Jen in a Facebook group, they became friends connecting on their background in the theater, and she participated in Jen’s early offerings. In Jen’s group program on assertiveness, Becky learned how valuable boundaries were and began to apply them to her life and work. One day Becky shared with Jen a stream of consciousness style rant on all the things that were going on in her life and work. Jen instantly, without thinking, provided Becky the right tool, the book, The Queen’s Code. The impact it had on Becky was instantaneous. It provided a new way of looking at being a woman and how to look at her husband as a man. “It gave me permission to not be heavily in my masculine energy. To give up control and relax.”

Personally, Becky could see her marriage was failing and she was scared. Professionally, after four years of not gaining traction with Virtual Executive Director, no longer being excited about any part of that industry, feeling frustrated, burned-out, and about to turn 50, Becky knew she was over it, but didn’t know what to do in its place. “I couldn’t focus. I felt out of alignment. I’d lost my joy.” In early 2020 when Becky realized she needed more personalized mentorship she knew Jen could provide the personal and professional support she needed.

Becky showed up 107% with an open mind and willingness to do whatever it took. Her intentions were simple: feel confident with whatever was supposed to happen, find happiness, fun, and freedom again, and get clarity to achieve success with her business. Guess what? She did exactly that achieving a 500% increase in her business in one year. “I became confident in who I am, what I do, and where I’m going.”

Step 1:
Calm the Covid-19 Chaos
Take Charge, Get Grounded, and Step Up the Self-Care
March of 2020 began unlike Becky or Jen planned. The pandemic threw a wrench in the works, but that didn’t stop them. Becky found herself incredibly anxious as this was an additional stressor.
Jen took a quick inventory of what Becky said she wanted vs what she was actually doing and created a plan to shift that and quickly. Becky discovered how essential it was to limit what she was consuming, from where, from who, and how much.
Excess consumption leads to a lack of self-trust, ungroundedness, and reduction of creativity. As Jen says, embodiment is an essential piece of the transformative puzzle. As soon as Becky took control of herself, she quickly began to feel calm and capable again.

Step 2:
Activate Her Inner Rockstar
The four keys to activation:
Manage stress and overwhelm
Utilizing both tangible and intangible tools from Jen, Becky was able to recognize when her nervous system was in a sympathetic state and shift it with compassion back to a parasympathetic state. A calm mind and body allowed for more creative and effective decision-making for Becky’s future biz goals. Jen reminded her that self-care is sacred and must be provided consistently and unapologetically without needing permission from others or expecting others to do it for us. Give to yourself what you desire to receive from others. “I've been putting more energy into things that make me feel good.”
Master the mindset
As Jen teaches in her private mentorship, a growth mindset is honed in the mindful consciousness of nonjudgemental curiosity. “I can now see that there is an opportunity for me to take the reigns and steer.” Becky identified deep beliefs that we’re ready to be released to make room for abundance and the life and business she’s dreamt of for the last four years. Hello, confidence!
Let go of control
Becky’s life’s work is about releasing control and welcoming joy. She applied the tools to accept whatever came her way. Letting go of expectations and recognizing that everything is truly working out for her highest and best good, she has been able to trust not only herself but also the divine order of opportunities. “Circumstances that would have broken me no longer have that much power over me. It is indescribable how GOOD that feels! It's led to a massive decrease in stress."
Balance her masculine and feminine energy
Jen teaches using her Embodyment Method that flow and ease are better ways of creating a successful business. The previous model of patriarchal hustling to build a business is falling away. Aligned Feminine Leadership is the future. Utilizing long-suppressed interests, hard skills, and newly tapped into spiritual gifts alike, Becky learned how to show up in a way that made her a magnet to everything she desired, in her business and her relationships.
Once Rockstar status was achieved, the clarity Becky received was instantaneous. Her business was ready to evolve to mirror who she was becoming.

Step 3:
Claim the work and audience that lights you up
Take Charge, Get Grounded, and Step Up the Self-Care
At her heart, Becky is a creative soul who longed to work with other creative souls. She said goodbye to the non-profit industry and said hello to artists, creatives, and soulful entrepreneurs who use creativity in their work.
She loves working deeply with these people one-on-one, and when she shows up magic happens. She began attracting soulmate clients who aligned with her values and purpose; who she is excited to talk to, again and again, week after week.
Becky created The Labyrinth, her signature coaching program, based on three principles: release, receive and return. These three principles have led to a rebranding of her podcast along the same lines. It quickly drew opportunities for guests she’d previously only dreamt of having on the show.
Becky brett graduation
Watch this video to get to know more about Becky, and listen to her and Jen uncover Becky’s success story, the things she worked on, and how far she’s come.

Step 4:
Shift from Order Taker to Soulful Seller
Jen uses The Embodiment Method to teach how essential it is to focus on service to something bigger than your bottom line. Fall in love with the journey. Be an active participant in the process. Make connections. Talk about who you are, what you can do to help others, and soulfully sell.
Rethinking the value provided and trusting in her inherent worthiness, Becky learned that talking about her new program was merely being willing to be seen serving her soul mate clients. “I made major changes to not only my offer but also my price points. Even during Covid, I closed my first $5000 sale.”

What's Next:
A fun and fruitful future
My life’s work is learning to release control of the outcome. Because I’ve shifted from victim to victor, I’ve been able to double my income from 2020 to 2021 and increase my client load by 400%. It’s been incredible to attune to my spiritual gifts and use them with my clients (one in particular reconnected to himself so he could lead his team and have his first 7 figure launch). Now that I’ve consciously uncoupled I’ve been able to call in a new relationship that has been very healing. Everything I lost I gained back 10 fold!

Continue to grow
I’m always looking at ways to better support my clients including investing in certifications in EFT, trauma-informed coaching, hypnosis, and NLP. Soon I’ll be making a transition to get back into creative work more fully with Paramount Theater. I’m looking forward to attending Jen’s Everything’s Relational Retreat in Hawaii in September to expand the relationship I have with one of my highest values, freedom.